Justin Dean (Lead Pastor - SC Bettendorf)


As the Lead Pastor, Justin is the primary preaching Pastor for SC Bettendorf and is responsible for the overall vision and direction of the church and for raising up future leaders and church planters.

Justin is a graduate of Liberty University with a Bachelors degree in Business Administration and a graduate of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Masters degree in Theology and Church Planting. Justin has been married to his wife Amanda for 18 years, and they have five children. Justin and Amanda planted Sacred City Church with a few friends in 2011. 

Justin enjoys reading books by old dead guys, craft coffee, CrossFit, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Mountain Biking, Bourbon, and the occasional cigar. 

Email Pastor Justin

Dr. Alex Arguello (Lay Elder - SC Bettendorf)


As a lay Elder, Alex leads in a variety of ways to shepherd the members of Sacred City Church. Alex occasionally preaches on Sunday, teaches some of our membership classes, often leads out our baptism celebrations, and leads huddle (a monthly group for training, equipping, and shepherding our MC Leaders).

Alex is husband to Emily. They have been married for 18 years and have six children: Taydem, Creighton, Micah, Keller, Graham, and Quinn. Alex was born and raised in Davenport, IA and has lived there his entire life outside of 1 year living in the Chicago area for training after graduating from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 2010. Pastor Alex has been the owner and operator of Great River Family Chiropractic since 2011, co-owns New City Fitness, and most recently has been part of the leadership team for a new Classical Christian School called New City Classical Academy. He loves Jesus and strives to follow him in all of life. He and his family have been a part of Sacred City since 2012. He has been an Elder here for 6 years and prayerfully will continue to be one for many years to come as the Quad Cities is their home, SC is their church family, and the cities are their mission field.

Alex enjoys reading, talking theology, Crossfit, teaching people about health, anything competitive, and celebrating the success of the Kansas City Chiefs.

Email Pastor Alex

Kevin Knoer (Counseling Pastor - SC Bettendorf)


As Counseling Pastor, Kevin’s desire is to serve as a counseling and equipping resource for the church, staff, elders, and MC leaders. Kevin desires to see the mental health spheres in our cities come under the lordship of Christ to the glory of God and the good of Man. Kevin received his Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling (MABC) from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Kevin is married to Trevje and together they are raising her four younger siblings. 

Besides providing counseling to the people of Sacred City Church, Kevin is developing Telos Biblical Counseling, a counseling center to serve as a resource to other churches in our cities, and is teaching part-time at New City Classical Academy. In his spare time, Kevin enjoys roasting coffee, reading old books, and spending time outside enjoying the good gifts of God with his family.

Email Kevin

Alex Graupmann (Missional Community Pastor- SC Bettendorf)


As Missional Community Pastor, Alex oversees the formation and healthy multiplication of SC Iowa’s Missional Communities. Alex is also involved in various aspects of the Sunday gathering, teaches in occasional trainings and classes, and leads one of our huddles (a bi-monthly group for training, equipping, and shepherding our MC Leaders).

A Quad City native, Alex received a classical Christian education prior to attending Bettendorf High School. He studied accounting and finance at Judson University where he also was involved in collegiate basketball and leading within a high school youth ministry. Upon returning to the Quad Cities to work for John Deere, Alex discovered and began attending Sacred City in 2016 and also received a Master’s in Organizational Leadership (MOL) degree from St. Ambrose.

Alex married Jess in 2019 and they have three kids: Evangeline (Eva), Aslan, and Eden. He enjoys family rhythms in the evenings and weekends, reading and other forms of learning, and completing DIY renovation projects around the home and yard.

Email Alex

Eric Olson (Lay Elder - SC Bettendorf)


As a lay Elder, Eric leads in a variety of ways to shepherd the members of Sacred City Church. Eric regularly leads out the sacraments on Sunday, teaches at our Men's Event, and leads huddle (a monthly group for training, equipping, and shepherding our MC Leaders).s

Email Eric

Sam Schmidt (Lead Pastor - SC Moline)

The responsibilities of the Lead Pastor include preaching, leadership development, and pastoral shepherding for Sacred City - Moline.

Sam met his wife, Becca, while earning a Bachelors degree in Music at the University of Northern Iowa. They married in 2012 and are raising four future men.

Sam moved to the Quad Cities to be part of the launch of Sacred City Church in 2011 and has been around ever since. In 2017, Sam and Becca were sent out with a core team to plant Sacred City - Moline. Sam is also a big advocate for classical Christian education.

When not playing backyard football with his boys, Sam enjoys tinkering in the garage, listening to podcasts, bourbon, cigars, following the Las Vegas Raiders and Formula 1 Racing.

Email Pastor Sam

AJ Brown (Lay Elder - SC Moline)

Jesse Korns (Lay Elder - SC Moline)


Alex Tate (Deacon of SC Youth - SC Bettendorf)

The Deacon of Youth's role is to oversee the teaching and vision of our youth while partnering with parents in the discipleship of their children through their teen years.

Alex is married to Bridgette and they have three boys: Michael, Camren, and Quincy.

After leaving the corporate world after 12 years, Alex followed a call to launch Sacred City Youth. Alex has completed Sacred City's Pastoral Residency Program and is currently in the Elder Development process. 

Email Alex

Joel Bickford (Deacon of Worship - SC Bettendorf)

The Deacon of Worship (with the oversight of the Elders) plans and prepares all of our service liturgies with elements such as songs, prayers, creeds and confession, and scriptural readings. They also coordinate and train volunteers in their various roles of service for our gatherings, and oversee all creative elements.

Beyond those responsibilities, Joel also oversees all of our online platforms such as social media and the church website, etc. Joel is also currently in the Elder Development Process. 

Joel is married to Julia and they have four children: Judah, Elliot, Lucy, and Henry. 

Joel has been serving and leading in some capacity of worship ministry for over 15 years and has been on staff at Sacred City since it began. 

Email Joel

Rebecca Clark (Administrative Assistant - SC Moline)

The Administrative Assistant at Sacred City Moline helps with logistical, organizational, communication, and administrative tasks for the church and Pastor.

Email Abbey


Kurt Schoenhoft (Director of Multimedia - SC Bettendorf)

The Director of Multimedia oversees the creation of various media like graphics, videos, sermon series artistic design, and printed materials, as well as assists with other behind-the-scenes aspects of church communication, team organization, and Sunday morning media elements.

Kurt is married to Emily and they have two children.

Kurt received his Bachelors in Interactive Media from Nossi College of Art and has been in the media field for 8-plus years doing marketing and freelance creative work.

In Kurt's downtime, he enjoys hanging out in the woods either throwing frisbees, hiking/running, or dodging trees on a bike. 

Email Kurt

Scott Gaskill (Director of Operations - SC Bettendorf)

As the Director of Operations, Scott is responsible for the overall leadership and direction of the church operations team, leading all functional areas to accomplish the church’s mission.

Scott is a graduate of the University of Northern Iowa with a Bachelors degree in Statistics/Actuarial Science.

Scott has been married to his wife Emily for 18 years, and they have three children.

Scott loves playing board games with his family; watching Red Sox, Celtics or Hawkeye games with friends; reading good books by the wood-burning stove and authentic conversation over a pour of Bourbon and a cigar. 

Email Scott